Time to stop being political and get back to signs. This job is more interesting than most;
the client had seen another sign I did a few years ago with a marbleized finish, and asked for a similar look. Marbleing can be fun. The background color is laid down, and while its still wet, I stippled in another tint with a rag, then went over it with a ragged pigeon feather to make the pale green veining. If you don't quite remember exactly what green Traventine marble is supposed to look like, it's not a bad immitation. The frame is plastic molding, and the corner rosettes are pine, sprayed with metallic-copper spray paint, allof which came from Home Depot for about $2o. The copy you see was hand- lettered - because I can, dammit - and will be outlined with gold metallic paint. There's also some copy in white vynull pesch to go underneath (gotta make the plotter earn its keep). I'll post the finished job...well...when its finished.
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